
The Core of Socio-Economic Conflicts

Disagreements amongst people have obviously been around since the beginning of time. And it's normal to have differences of opinion. That's what makes life so interesting. Unfortunately, some people get carried away with their own opinions and allow them to create havoc in their lives and the lives of others.

Socio-economic conflicts are those issues that negatively impact the social and economic status of individuals by blocking their opportunities in obtaining education and training (professional development), employment (career development), self-employment (business development), income, property and other economic resources (asset development). Individuals who create conflict are often blocking their own progress. Family, friends, associates and even strangers sometimes play a role in creating barriers to one’s anticipated and well planned economic future. Administrators who make decisions without giving due process or giving just consideration to other folk’s rights are abusing their authority. Such conflict can damage relationships, destroy trust and derail one’s chosen path to financial independence.

Business failures or closings are a direct result of mismanagement mostly due to profits pre-empted by customer conflicts and staff disputes. Such ongoing issues eventually result in sales deficits. When organizations sit stagnant while trying to determine which projects to initiate, primary objectives can quickly become secondary to personal quests. Schools continue to be unsuccessful In spite of integration and the well known mission of the federal "No Child Left Behind" policy. Students still fail because of academic and/or behavioral deficiencies. People are sometimes overwhelmed by socio-economic situations that seem beyond their ability to control. They usually haven't really considered all their options for making necessary changes, or they mainly need help getting motivated to take action.

Racial conflict, including conflict between different races and conflict within races, has paralyzed generations of people for centuries. There are different theories as to how, when, and why this phenomenon exists. But A strong desire to control others is the main culprit and core of such behavior. Racial, gender and generational differences comprise what is often referred to as "The Cultural Divide." These three main groups are further complicated by numerous subgroups, such as religious and political affiliations.

Analyzing the core of socio-economic conflict is the basis of the Mears Management Philosophy: Wherever there are groups of people, there will undoubtedly be disagreements precipitated by some form of a power struggle. Ongoing conflict is a precursor to ongoing stress, which can have high financial, emotional and physical costs. Decisions that ultimately impact others should be viewed from a more proactive perspective rather than taking a reactive stance. Using this approach can deter issues which can be amicably resolved before they become insurmountable.

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Article Written and Published by Ollie K. Mears
Owner/Founder of Mears Management and Bronzed Connections
Information Enhanced, Moved and Added to Forum June 4, 2014

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